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Friday, February 18, 2011

The Many Adventures of Us!

Two days after we got married we headed to Cabo San Lucas for our honeymoon. It was so fun and was really relaxing after a long summer of planning/working and a good break before we started up at BYU for my senior year! Where has the time gone?! 

Neither Austin and I had either been to Cabo so it was an adventure. Thanks so his kind grandmother and parents this trip was made possible. Thank you! 

The view from our hotel!

On our snorkeling/boat trip

We ate amazing food in Cabo. This breakfast buffet was the best I have ever eaten at. It had a pastry bar, smoothie station, and so many other things like watermelon juice and fresh fruit galore

The famous arches of Cabo
little seals

a cruise ship

An amazing restaurant in downtown Cabo

Since our hotel was a ways from town, we used the bus system....which was interesting

In San Juan Los Cabos

This cute little man sang to us during dinner

After waiting in the 120 degree weather
for twenty plus minutes, this bus was a heavenly sight

Austin loves his Coke

Our beautiful hotel

Don't look too closely...but on the beach and the back of our hotel

Eating in our hotel with a view of the Ocean
I miss this :(

They acclaimed home of the "World's Best French Toast"

At the glass blowing factory

Almost passed out

Making us a little turtle



Our last night in Cabo

 Field Trip

Did you know that there are some very important sites just west of Brigham City!?...Well there are..:) Austin is the teacher's assistant for a Humanities Honors class so he drove a van full of students two hours away for a Saturday field trip. I was invited to accompany Austin and it was an amazing experience. 

We first traveled to The Golden Spike a National Historic site where people witnessed one of the most important accomplishments of the 19th century. On May 10, 1869, officials of the Central Pacific Railroad and Union Pacific Railroad met here to drive four symbolic spikes (two gold), celebrating the completion of the first transcontinental railroad. They even reenacted this great event for us!

Next we drove to see the Spiral Jetty an earthwork sculpture by American sculptor Robert Smithson.  The Spiral Jetty was constructed on the northeastern shore of the Great Salt Lake.  It forms a 1,500-foot-long, 15-foot-wide counterclockwise coil jutting from the shore of the lake which is only visible when the level of the Great Salt Lake falls below a certain elevation.  It was really amazing...and I definitely need to make another trip to the salt flats before I leave the state of Utah.

My silly :)

The water is red from a specific type of algae that grows here. 
This is the reason that Robert decided to construct the Jetty in this particular location. 

 The sky was so blue!

Here is a random picture of a hot air balloon.
On Saturdays I see them in the Provo skies, they are beautiful.